Nip it in the Bud.

So I overslept this morning. I was 2 hours later than usual and it was still dark!!!!! Rainy grey days make me feel bad. This, added to a couple of things yesterday where I reacted badly, left me feeling like I had failed. So I wrote in my journal “I feel blah.” Straight away my inner voice said “So?” and I continued to write – rejoice, stand firm, pray. After all, I thought, I don’t live by what I feel.

Then I closed my eyes and prayed Lord show me what I need to do to change the way I act, the way I respond.

Theoretical pat on the head and gentle smile. He said. “You just need to let Me love you. You just need to love me. That’s all you need to do.”

My three replies weren’t wrong, but my focus on what I need to do rather than what He has already done and continues to do was misguided.

Rejoice – because He has loved me, He has redeemed me. He forgives me.

Stand firm – because He is the rock beneath my feet. He shelters me beneath His wing and nurtures me like a mother her child. He has called and equipped me.

Pray – because that’s how I hear Him. That’s how I tell Him what’s bothering me and get the whole mess cleared up.

8-9 For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith. It was not our plan or our effort. It is God’s gift, pure and simple. You didn’t earn it, not one of us did, so don’t go around bragging that you must have done something amazing.

Ephesians 2:8-9

That was true of my initial salvation and it is equally true of the ongoing journey. It’s Him, all Him and not me.

2 thoughts on “Nip it in the Bud.

  1. I’ve been pondering on Psalm 27:5 – “In times of trouble He hides me in His pavilion; In His tabernacle He hides me. He sets me high upon a rock.” Those are some comforting words even when we get the “Blahs.”


  2. I had the big blahs and didn’t get to read the blog yesterday. Now I am catching up and see how topical the Holy Spirit is in His inspirations of us. Thank you.


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